
The Solar Force Rangers have spent the three months since receiving their powers leading the Galactic Patrol Force’s battle against the Kaldor Imperium. The war is going well for the GPF, even if the Rangers ability to work together is much more strenuous.

However, recent intelligence from the covert operations branch of the GPF have presented a concerning bit of information. The Imperium have allied with a shadowy figure known as the Arbiter. Little is known about him, only that he controls an ancient evil.

The Cult of Zedd. A movement dedicated to restoring Lord Zedd, an evil despot thought purified 50 years ago by the Zordon Wave. If the cult’s beliefs are true, then when Zedd was purified, his evil essence was so powerful that even the power of the Zordon Wave could eradicate it, and Zedd was trapped in a time warp akin to Zordon. The Arbiter and the cult wish to free him from that time warp, and if they succeed and the Imperium are able to ally with Zedd, no one, not even the Power Rangers, can stand in their way.

However, this is not their only concern. A prophecy comes to light.

When brothers rival and a warrior falls, the dark one shall arise, and with his arrival, the end must come.

Now, the Rangers must face the battle to end all battles. One that will rage across space, time and realities. The question is which side will triumph and who shall be destroyed?


Solar Force: A Power Rangers Simulation is an Obsidian Fleet Simulation

RPG Rating 2 1 2

Solar Force: A Power Rangers Simulation operates a 212 rating. See section 2 of rules for details.

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