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Bearly There

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 9:38pm by Keon Seong

557 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Angel Grove Residence
Timeline: 16th November 2050, 2018 Hours

The excitement of being the first one to arrive at a potentially haunted location had Keon ensuring he arrived early. He enjoyed having the full lay of the land that was untouched by the equipment or the bustle of other human presences.

He took a moment in the run-down home to plop down on the floor of what looked to have been a living room. The remains of a sofa were nearby, but Keon paid no heed. He would not disturb furniture that may have been sentimental to the former residents of the abode. At least if he sat on the floor, he ran less of a risk of offending someone.

From that point, Keon sat and waited. In his experience, an entity that felt safe and secure in their home would wander freely. The information they received from their client suggested that this entity was unbothered by most living beings, so long as they were not hostile themselves. Which worked in Keon's favor. Hostility was not something he wanted to bring to this home.

It would not be long before a soft, blue glow caught his attention. From one of the other rooms, a small, floating figure emerged; a child. "Hello there," he stated softly, smiling from his seated position. This caught the being's attention, and it turned it's head to peer at him curiously. The spirit brought a hand up, covering a feminine giggle.

"I'm Keon," the man pressed on, unmoving from his position. He could hear one of his various devices go off in the bag he left at the doorway. "I don't mean to intrude, I only mean to ask a few questions."

The spirit's details began to manifest as she approached, gender confirmed by the whispy remains of the dress she wore before passing. In her hand, he could see an orb, which seemed to be what was giving off the glow he noticed earlier. Her feet touched the ground, and instead of floating her way closer, she took a couple of small steps, before sitting herself on the ground in front of him and holding the ball out.

"Did you want to play?" he asked. The girl shook her head, gingerly placing the ball down in front of her and rolling it over to his feet. Keon reached down to pick it up. The moment his fingertips brushed the side of the orb, its glow flashed, before fading into the depths of the item. He frowned, picking it up to examine it.

The orb was heavier than he expected, seemingly made of glass or a polished mineral, likely man-made in origin. The shape of a roaring bear could have been seen inside, but as Keon looked up to ask about it, the spirit had vanished. His gaze was back down to the orb, which now shone in the dim light he had placed earlier.

He gave a start as the door opened up. Was the rest of his group arriving already? He thought he would have more time. Hurriedly, he pocketed the orb, scrambling to stand up and brush himself off.

"Sorry, thought I'd get a headstart on what we were going to look at-" he trailed off at the sight of the unfamiliar figure in front of him. "Oh, I didn't know there was another group that had been hired."


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