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What is Rest part 2

Posted on Sun Dec 11th, 2022 @ 12:12am by Lunandria & Kayge

891 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Earth, Angle Grove
Timeline: 10:00 November 17th 2050

Darkness surrounded her and she was not sure what was the right way up or what was down but all she knew was she had to keep going, keep moving or they would find her. The sheer terror she felt was sharper than the dagger that she now held as her only weapon. She had lost every other weapon trying to get there… where was she going? She could not remember now, it had been so long since she had been given the order that she wondered if the person who had even it to her was still even alive.

It was that thought that made her awake and gasp. Lunandria blinked as she looked around the suite that they had found to rest in after the battle with the rangers. It was gorgeous or would have been if she liked that type of thing but she had just wanted a soft bed to rest in and the fact Kayge was there made it for her. The man was sleeping deeply not even her nightmare having disturbed him.

Slowly she moved away from the man and looked down at the long shirt she was dressed in and smirked just a little before moving to the bathroom. Coming out she was surprised to find the bed empty. "Awake I see." She offered the room.

"Something disturbs you?" he growled, shirtlessly staring out of the window at the world beyond.

"No. Nothing disturbs me," Luna answered lying to him without hesitation looking to where he stood looking at the scene herself. It was beautiful with the sun barely rising over the smoke and gloom that they had created.

"Nothing I've ever seen." He shifted so that he was leaning up to watch her. "And yet you have the look in your eye. Perhaps you are unsatisfied by our conquests in battle."

The woman said nothing for a long time and shook her head as she turned to look at him. “Dreams are back and the fact I have been able to hurt the Pink and Orange rangers bothers me.” What was changing in her to allow her to be able to do that? What was bringing the dreams back?

"You are bothered about harming the Rangers?" He frowned at that question. "Surely our very purpose is to destroy them. I don't understand."

Luna frowned herself and shook her head. “I do not know.” She winced at a painful sensation in her mind as a black figure fluttered across her mind before disappearing leaving her unable to grasp the memory. “I do not know so it should not matter. You are right.” She said simply turning away to gather self more.

"I know that look," he grumbled, sensing that Luna wanted to end the conversation but at the same time did not. "More of their allies likely remain here. Our patrols have heard rumours. We can hunt them down and ask them for ourselves if you wish."

"Well you know me," Luna pointed out with a roll of her eyes. She was confused but for all of her and Kayge's time together she did not trust him fully to reveal what was on her mind. "I would like that." She said decided to go the path that he was leading them down and away from her questions that her dreams brought up.

His mouth curled into a grin as he rose from the bed. "I knew you'd see reason. Come on, we can find out what the patrols have discovered. Maybe they'll have a lead we can use to hunt some Rangers down and interrogate them."

With a flash of purple, her shirt changed to her usual black clothing. No one got to see her like that other than Kayge. “I hope they have. The rangers are unable to hide for long. They have the inability to not react if something bad happens.” She mused as she sat on the edge of the bed watching him. It was usual for her to sleep so well but despite the dream, she felt rested for the most part. “Did you sleep well?”

"Like the dead," he replied, a faint smirk on his face to signal his intent. "I always sleep well the night before a battle."

"And after battle... just admit it you sleep like the dead no matter what." She hissed with a shake of her head. She did not know anyone else who could do that and it was frustrating. She slept but she never felt rested in the slightest. It was like she was running in her dreams every night. Maybe she was? The dreams felt so life like after all.

"I have always been comfortable in who I am," he remarked. Kayge was just as aware of her nightly frustrations as she was. It was an understanding that was almost unspoken between them. Their relationship - part love, part master-and-student - was open enough that neither normally questioned it. "When will you be?"

Luna just stared at him for a second before she moved away not answering him in the slightest. She was not going down that route when they went back and forth over who was right and who was wrong. Luna was comfortable in herself despite his thoughts. She did not need the man judging her or what she did.


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