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The Dig (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 3:33am by Kilena Keithron & Damien McGinnis & Spencer Gustaffson & Ellie Evans & Travis Dwight
Edited on on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 5:15am

1,519 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Archaeological Site 3, Mirinoi
Timeline: November 14th 2050 14:00

Damien looked out over the dig site, the sun light reflecting off of the sunglasses he wore. He had to hand it to the people who had got things going since the signal was detected on Mirinoi; they'd managed to get excavation going incredibly quickly.

"Mission control to Alpha team. How's everything looking down there McGinnis?" Came the voice of Commander Krell through Damien's earpiece.

"Uh, it's looking..." Damien began, pausing before looking to Kilena "How is it looking?"

Kilena looked at the man hearing the same request through her own headset. “No dominatrix, no blasting, no lunch,” Kilena stated simply glancing back to their companions. She was hungry and tired but she was trying to not let the hangry emotions get to her. She was controlled by her stomach thanks to all the training and the healing she had been doing since the last attack from the bad guys.

"Yeah, it's all good here control." Damien said with a small chuckle as he pressed 2 fingers to his ear "Though we could use a pizza out here. Know a place that delivers?"

"Didn't you like the delivery service so much you brought the delivery girl?" Came Krell's response, the amusement in her voice obvious.

"Well, I, uh," Damien began, cutting the line "Guess we hit a dead spot. We probably should check on our guest, though. You wanna do it? After all, I know how terribly hard it is to resist my boyish charms."

Kilena levelled him with a look that would have killed anyone else given half the chance. “You brought her. You can do it.” Kilena answered with a shake of her head. “Might want to check on the other two as well.” She said thinking of Spencer and the fact he had never been off Earth before.

"Why am I checking on the other two?" He questioned "Also, I didn't bring her, that implies it was by choice. I just ordered a burger for delivery and then someone messed up timings and we accidentally took off with her still on board. If anything, I blame the pilot. I hate that guy. I mean, no man has any business having that kind of chiselled jaw and being that much taller than me..."

Travis couldn't help but laugh. He was working just within earshot, chipping away at some dirt. "Y'all are making me hungry over there though."

“Finally found something that makes you jealous,” Kilena commented with a roll of her eyes as she removed her glasses to look at it all properly. It reminded her of the digs she had grown up on. With her parents. She would not admit it to the red ranger but she had secretly hoped with it being a ranger signal her parents might have been on the emergency team but they were still out of range for communications. It had been a selfish thought but she was glad they were far out of harm's way dealing with stuff for Eltar history from their last letter. “Well if McGinnis had thought of everyone instead of just ordering his own burger we would all have food.” She countered as she jumped down into the hole to look at something by that was unrelated to the signal but it was still interesting to her a daughter of history.

Travis sighed. "Excellent point." He put down his shovel. "So basically the lesson here us pack your own lunches" Travis grinned.

One of those 'others', had in fact packed his own lunch. Spencer had a standard pack with him; which included emergency equipment, weapons, and food. He'd been told that he was needed for an archaeological survey, so he figured he was going to end up on patrol duty. He made sure his headset was on while looking over the sensors and weapons consoles in the back of the ship. "This is going to sound like a dumb question to anyone who knows what's going on. Exactly why are we being pulled to look at some rocks? Is there something we should be watching out for as far as security concerns go?"

"Evil alien space monsters." Damien replied into his comm, instantly chastising himself for being so direct "I mean, uh, bad guys that might try to endanger the civilians on the dig?"

"Space monsters? Danger?" Ellie poked her head out from behind the rocks. "Let me remind you, mister, that after kidnapping me, against my will, you promised me this was going to be completely safe. Now I hear you talking about monsters and bad guys."

Kilena just stared open mouthed at the man as he just announced to everyone that they were looking for space monsters. “He is just really rude around alien space monsters and forgets not everyone is human. Look he is just being blasé about stuff. We have just been set to secure the site. Never know what is going to happen.” Kilena said brightly from the pit.

Gustaffson's eyes narrowed - he wasn't the kind of person to joke around in the heat of the moment. And it seemed a bit overly flippant to say that there were 'evil alien space monsters' coming for them. "Monsters and bad guys. Acknowledged." He walked over to the armory closet and pulled out a rifle, checking it and picking up extra ammo. He walked back toward the others.

"That's not a bad idea." Travis nodded. He followed spencer to the armory and grabbed himself a pistol. Rifles weren't really Travis' "thing". "Monsters," he muttered to himself. "I knew I should've traded shifts."

“Should come and have a look at all of this,” Kilena said trying to change the conversation. It was well known that the juice bar was never going to deliver to them ever again but at least placating might get them still allowed in the place. Was not every day you got to visit another planet after all

When Kilena offered that he and the civvie should come up to look over the situation, Spencer nodded and walked up, keeping the rifle shouldered and the safety on. He looked at Ellie, poker face fully engaged. "You will not be harmed."

"What he said." Travis nodded as he walked up. As he did, he couldn't help but wonder about two things. One being who the stowaway was. And two, what the heck he was looking at.

Ellie looked desperately at Kilena, the only one she figured might not be trying to mess with her head, for some sort of affirmation. "So long as you're sure..." she sighed.

"Completely," Kilena assured with a warm smile that felt fake on her face. She did not feel like she had smiled properly in weeks since she had become a power ranger. It felt like they were just lurching from one event to another. "It is Ellie, right? You work at the juice bar?"

Ellie nodded. "Uh-huh. Just while I'm studying. It was Kilena, wasn't it? I think I've seen you around sometimes."

Kilena nodded as she got her name right even out the correct accent into making it sound correct. It was a nice place, had a quaint charm from the 90's that they really played on some time but she liked the atmosphere on a night time when it became more bar and dancing."It is one of the local bars/restaurants in the area. Go there often on a night off." Kilena said trying to relax everyone.

"Fridays are theme nights!" Ellie added, almost habitually trying to drum up a little positivity before she realised that it probably wasn't the right crowd for that.

The pink ranger just smiled at the other woman. She did not need to know but it would be nice for the other officers to know especially ones where they had just come to the base.

As everyone calmed down Kilena started to look at the dig seeing she had offered to show them. "This is fascinating. Mirinoi has so much history hidden underneath the surface. So much was lost from when the Quasar Sabers were forged." She mused as she touched a piece of blue glass that was slowly being unearthed by an archaeologist who she recognised vaguely why she was being allowed to touch with equipment and show.

"How come you get to touch stuff and I don't?" Damien asked as he walked up beside her, bending down to pick up a rock and tossing it in the air, attempting to catch it only to inadvertently swat it into the back of one of the digger's helmets "Sorry! I just answered my own question, didn't I?"

Kilena just looked at the man as he started to play with stuff and within seconds proved the answer to the question he had asked. She shook her head and turned back to the person she was with and brushed off the messed up helmet. He did not need her to confirm what he already knew it would only be another mark against her being uptight towards him when they had a job to do.


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