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Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 2:50am by Lunandria & Markus & Roluga

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Timeline: 1900 Hours, 3rd November 2050

Roluga stormed onto the Bridge, punching one of the drones he walked past as he did. He'd just finished in the infirmary and was fuming. They hadn't got the result he wanted. The Emperor would be most displeased.

"Lunandria!" He bellowed "Why didn't we defeat those... Those... Children!"

The woman in question turned from the chair she was sat in with mist surrounding her and stood up. She still wore the bloodied clothes from earlier but she didn't wear the exhaustion that she should have. "Those Children have bonded with the crystals." She reminded.

"We are many, they are only two!" He hissed "We should have crushed them like the insects they are!"

"Yes well, we didn't. I almost had that Pink Ranger." She sighed distastefully. "Though I did get us something to even the odds and make sure we don't get many more surprises."

"Do tell?" He asked, clocking an eyebrow inside his helmet.

The woman who wielded magic lent over for the Staff that was never far from her at all. She tapped it on the floor and a small crystal appeared floating in front of him. "I believe I have redeemed myself?" She wondered in a sarcastic manner sitting back down.

"You live for now." Roluga said, taking the silver orb "I take it you got the others as well?"

"I always live Roluga." The woman said and frowned for a moment before shaking her head. "No. There was only one there when I grabbed that one." One second there had been two, the next one.

"Lucky I was there then." The hooded figure said as he stepped out of the shadows, tossing a black crystal in the air "Helps that I blend in better than you, m'lady."

Luna was her feet in seconds and pointing her staff at the hooded figure even in her weakened state. "Well, ghosts do that." She said her pretty face twisted into a scowl.

A broad sword materialised in the figure's hand in a burst of crimson energy as he swatted her staff upward. As it did, his hood slipped back, revealing a red helmet with a black visor shaped like a phoenix and embossed lips, a silver headset like component down the right side of it.

"You couldn't deal with them and they only just got their crystals." He growled "I did not."

"Astro Ranger wannabe." The woman said without thinking as she pulled back before lunging forward again. How could a ranger get on the ship?

"Says the fetish goth chick." The Ranger retorted, turning and storming out, calling back "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my chambers."

“Like we will need you,” Lunandria said looking at him disapprovingly before looking at the other man. “Your problem not mine.” She added before storming off herself.

Roluga shook his head as he looked at the two crystals in his hand. His son and his first officer never got on, but now that she knew he was the weapon there were whispers of in the Imperium, it could become problematic.



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