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Fathers and Sons

Posted on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 11:12pm by Markus & Roluga
Edited on on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 11:16pm

658 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Kaldore Imperium Flagship, Troop Bay
Timeline: November 14th 2050, 2100 Hours

Roluga stormed into the transport bay, grabbing a drone that attempted to approach him to discuss their recent mission by the chest plate and hurling him across the room in anger. He marched rapidly towards the figure of the Phoenix Ranger, picking him up by the throat.

“You had the silver crystal and you let it go.” Roluga snarled, before barking “What made you think that was a valid tactical decision?”
“There were potential civilian casualties…” The Ranger noted “Harming them is not what my mother would do, she would-”
“A princess and a pacifist!” Roluga roared, throwing the Ranger aside “If a decision is one she would reach, you know it is not a correct combat decision!”
“They were civilians. Not combatants.” The Ranger said, climbing back to his feet “I am your son and your soldier, but I am not your weapon of terror.”

Roluga rolled his eyes inside his helmet. Try as he might, his son had too much of his mother in him. He may have taken the genetics of a warrior Roluga had been selected to provide, but unfortunately overcoming her influence had always been a problem. The boy would do his duty, but he would not always do what Roluga would call necessary.

“You are a soldier of the Imperium, same as any other.” Roluga growled “When you’re given an order, you are to follow it and do everything in your power to see the mission is complete. No matter the cost of life.”
“We’re here to take the crystals and expand the Imperium, not to slaughter Humans.” The Ranger said.
“And yet you consider it acceptable to execute one of my drones?” Roluga questioned.
“He was disobeying my order.”
“I see…” Roluga said “So that’s how it is…”

Without warning, Roluga charged the Ranger, slamming his fist into the man’s gut, before performing a spin kick that sent him hurtling into the wall. Before the man could pick himself up, Roluga was upon him, grabbing him by his shoulder and his neck, lifting him over his head and slamming his back down over Roluga’s knee before tossing him into another wall. The Ranger struggled to pick himself up as Roluga raised his hand, the spike on his gauntlet glowing a sickly purple before lightning shot from it, striking the Ranger, causing sparks to fly before his ranger suit seemed to explode, leaving a pale skinned young man with red hair struggling to pick himself up.

Roluga stormed towards his son, picking him up by the throat once more, his helmet retracting to reveal a man with slicked back, dark greying hair and a five o’clock shadow with piercing blue eyes. He brought his son to his eye level, narrowing his eyes as he did.

“You think that that Ranger suit and your title as ‘prince’ make you above reproach…” Roluga snarled in a hushed tone “They don’t. Next time, you will do whatever is required to complete the mission, or else you will feel my full wrath and we will be looking for a new wielder for that crystal…”

Roluga threw his son to the ground, his helmet snapping back into position as he did. He turned, beginning to walk out of the bay before turning back.

“Let this be a lesson to you all!” He bellowed “If I will do this to my own so called son, imagine what will become of any of you who fail me! I suggest you never try to test whatever theory you come up with. I assure you, my imagination will be far worse than yours…”

With that, he turned and stormed out, slamming his fist into a bulkhead as he passed it, leaving a gaping hole in the wall. It served only two purposes. It proved his point to the men and women under his command.

And it made him feel better.


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