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Request or Demand?

Posted on Wed Jun 15th, 2022 @ 1:38am by Markus & Roluga & The Arbiter
Edited on on Wed Jun 15th, 2022 @ 1:43am

870 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Roluga's Quarters, Kaldore Flagship
Timeline: November 15th 2050, 1700 Hours

Roluga sat in his quarters, the black and blue helmet he wore while on duty resting on the table in front of him, revealing his piercing blue eyes and greying red hair. He was reviewing the combat reports from the invasion a few days earlier. That they had been repelled by the GPF and the Power Rangers was sickening to him. Granted, the casualties suffered by the Imperium's enemies were much greater than their own, but that there wasn't a complete victory for the Imperium was just disgusting. Worse, they had failed to retrieve the crystals, and worse still, the Rangers' numbers were growing. They were like barillian bugs, multiplying rapidly.

He slammed his gauntlet down on the table top, cracking the illuminated display on it. He groaned to himself. It wouldn't be difficult to get the display repaired, merely a case of having a technician come down to his quarters, but he detested allowing his subordinates into his private residences.

"Must watch that temper, Father." Came a voice from the doorway as Markus entered, wearing a black leather bodysuit with red piping that Roluga recognised as his training uniform "You keep doing that, the mechanics will stop making house calls."

"They will do as they are told." Roluga said "As will you."

"Only because it's customary for a son to maintain fealty to his family." Markus noted, a crimson light flashing in his left hand as the phoenix solar crystal materialised in it "Remember, as long as I hold this, I hold all the real power."

"And without it you are just another spoilt prince." Roluga grumbled "I sometimes loathe your Mother's lineage..."

"Don't let the Emperor hear you say that of his eldest daughter." Markus tutted "He'll have your head on his wall and your balls in his wolf's stomach."

Roluga scowled as he turned to the cracked display. His son was right. The Emperor had favoured him, once. Enough even that, after recovering her from parts unknown, he had presented his eldest daughter to Roluga as a bride. However, each time they failed to take Earth, that favour diminished slightly. There would come a day when it was gone. When it was, his son's prediction may come true. Until then, however, he was a General in the Imperium's military and he would do his duty to his Emperor.

"Now, would you like to hear why I came down from my training session?" Markus asked "It's not just a social call. We both know that neither of us enjoy those. The Arbiter has asked you contact him."

"What does that purple armoured fool want?" Roluga questioned, not hiding his disdain for the Imperium's ally "Tell him I will contact him if I deem it worth my time. I don't."

"Tell him yourself." Markus scowled as he turned to walk out "I was given a message and I delivered it. Good night, Father. Try not to break any more of the fixtures tonight."

Markus left the room as Roluga stood, grabbing his helmet forcefully and putting it on, the mechanisms on it closing to seal him inside his suit. He moved to the centre of the room where a circular platform sat, standing before it.

"Computer, hail the Arbiter." He commanded, a moment passing before a hologram of the purple and silver clad figure of the Arbiter appeared in front of him "What do you want, old man?"

"That's no way to greet an ally, General." The Arbiter spoke, his voice distorted by his helmet "I have a request for you."

"Request or demand?" Roluga asked "I can never tell with you."

"Don't forget who gave your son the gift of his Solar Crystal." The Arbiter replied "You owe me a great deal, General, and I am collecting."

"Fine." Roluga spat "What can I do for you and the Cult of Zedd, Arbiter?"

"You're going to launch another strike on the Earth. Take the planet." The Arbiter said "When you do, I want you to gather some individuals my spies have identified within the GPF's ranks. Individuals who are of interest to me and a project I am working on which will benefit us both."

"What project?" Roluga questioned, cocking an eyebrow inside his helmet.

"That is not yet your concern, General. The list of individuals will be transmitted and you will acquire them in your invasion." The Arbiter scolded "When you have retrieved them all, have them transferred to my palace in the Centaurus Nebula. I'm sending four platoons of enhanced putties to aid in your assignment."

"Putties?" Roluga scoffed "I know you worship Zedd as some kind of god, but Putties never helped him defeat Power Rangers."

"Hence the enhancements." The Arbiter said "Do not fail, General. If you do, the Emperor will hear of it, and then, I will be the least of your concerns."

The line was cut off. Roluga stood there for a moment before picking up a chair, hurling it into the platform, shattering the device with the force of the impact. He scowled to himself as he pressed a control on his left gauntlet.

"Roluga to Bridge." He spoke "Prepare our forces. And have an engineer sent to my quarters at once!"


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