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Unsolicited (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Jun 6th, 2022 @ 4:12am by Kyarah Moreau & Markus
Edited on on Sat Jul 2nd, 2022 @ 7:01am

1,023 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: The Bento Box Restaurant: Angel Grove, CA
Timeline: November 14, 2050 @ ~1810 hrs

Kyarah's brow furrowed. Even if he were present pre-intrusion, she couldn't imagine any circumstance in which he didn't act against an attack on his family. Yet his defiance of her expectations continued with him tearing in the opposite direction. Ascertaining why was her most accessible avenue for deciphering this situation so she pursued him. Having trained and competed as a sprinter since middle school, she was thus able to dash a low tackle onto him and negated his size and strength advantage with physics and the element of surprise. Just past the corridor threshold, she succeeded at riding him onto the floor.

"Get off!" he growled, trying to get back to his feet. "I can't stay here!"

"Why?!" Kyarah rasped, advancing into a low back lock before he could establish any sort of base. Aware of the improbability of out-grappling him, she instead sought to keep him tied up and compel compliance by denying him easy access to his goal.

Bertane rose at the mass of grey and tan-uniformed limbs that had plummeted next to him, uncertain of what to do. His sister was a GPF officer, but the person she struggled to subdue wore corresponding EDF garb, which technically granted him law enforcement jurisdiction on Earth. Unable to fathom why institutional contemporaries would be at each other in such a fashion, he exclaimed—hands outstretched in tacit context—"Yes. . .why?!"

"Check the corridor!" The Ranger yelled at one of the drones as he looked round to where he could hear a sound coming from. "I want to know what's causing that racket."

"But I can't-" The Drone began.

"That's why I'm in Command, soldier," The Ranger said, approaching the Drone. "Or do I need to inform my Father of your insubordination?"

"I-" The Drone began before the Ranger withdrew his sword from the shield it was sheathed in, slashing across the chest of the Drone in the same, fluid movement.

"I suppose I won't need to now," he said, slowly moving through the room. "Apologies for the grisly show, ladies and gentlemen. It couldn't be helped. Now, you, out in the corridor. Come out now or the next person I kill will be Human."

"Take it," Sako said mutedly yet forcefully, pushing the hard case into the custody of a visibly perplexed Kyarah. "Whatever happens, the Imperium must not get this."

The scout tensed her jaw to speak, her mind having discerned Sako's next course of action despite the mental maelstrom incited in part by his rushed explanation of their current predicament. He however rushed to carry it out, brandishing a weapon reminiscent of SPD's venerable Deltamax Striker from inside his top as he reentered the corridor.

"EDF Rapid Response!" he bellowed toward the threat, slowing his advance. "We have the building surrounded!"

"Sako!" croaked Kyarah even as she knew his headlong commitment was partly intended to stifle her objection. Of no help to her cause was her brother, who'd taken to pulling her in the direction Sako had intended to flee. For all of her desire to resist, she knew her best play was to ferry the artefact away from Kaldore want. After all, chasing and detaining him was why the raiders became sufficiently cognizant to necessitate the diversion he'd taken the initiative to enact.

"There you are..." The Ranger spoke as he leapt off of the table, launching towards the entrance to the corridor, landing in front of the man, his sword and shield held ready to strike "Where is the crystal? Don't make me hurt you. These people have been traumatised enough for one day."

"I agree," said Sako, his own weapon at the ready as a laser sidearm, footing poised to transition into melee if it wasn't effective. "Which is why you should leave. Whatever you're looking for isn't here. But if you're hardheaded enough to want to make certain of that, my team is on site and itching to suppress whoever jinxed this peaceful evening. Your breaking and entering also gave me cause to request backup, many of whom I imagine are feeling similarly."

"You're brave, if fool hardy. However, let me tell you the flaw of your plan," The Ranger said. "Your Alliance Council outlawed Power Rangers within the Alliance ranks years ago. That means that you have no way to fight someone like me. It takes Power Rangers, or something of equal strength, to beat Power Rangers. You want evidence? Look up the Psycho Rangers..."

Already cognizant of what the intruder told him, Sako immediately replied, "Then I guess we're going to put your projection to the test because I'm not going to let you ransack my family's legacy without challenge. If you choose to persist, you will be fighting. Understood?"

"Don't be an idiot," The Ranger growled as he flipped his shield upwards, revealing the blaster barrel at the bottom "I could end you without a thought. I don't want to, as such a death would be without any honour, and bravery should be rewarded with at least and honourable end. However, I lack the time to provide you with that. So, I am pleading with you here, man to man, stand down and allow us to complete our work and you have my word, no one else shall be harmed."

A voice—mechanically modulated in a fashion similar to that of the mysterious Ranger's, but of a feminine timbre—emanated from behind Sako.

"Stand aside, officer. . .you've done all you can."

The source stood upwind of the former. It was quickly evident that she was also a Power Ranger despite the roughly two-decade hiatus incited by their illegality within the Alliance; 'her' armor's general aesthetic mirrored the raid leader's, its main divergence being a silver-on-black coloration that along with a comparative lack of combat accoutrements, exuded less menace.

Nevertheless, the newer ranger immediately seized Sako's attention.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he growled after whipping about, casting an air of familiarity between them.

'She' cast up her hands exasperatedly and spat, "I was content to rendezvous and coordinate rescue with backup, but your pet rock had other ideas!"


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