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Savouring The Calm Of The Storm

Posted on Thu May 19th, 2022 @ 3:43pm by Kilena Keithron

510 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Kilena's Room
Timeline: After release from hospital

The size of the bedroom was one of the smallest, but it could still fit everything that a GPD officer would need into it. Kilena had her bed right in the middle of the squarish room, which took up quite a bit of space, but she liked it that way and there was no way she was in any type of way to move it. She liked the room despite the size because of the natural light that she got into the room in the mornings then and there.

Kilena could feel the power flowing through her both from the statis tube healing and the morphing energy that seemed to want to make itself known to her now that she was no longer on quite such high-quality pain killers and had been released to her room. The pink ranger was meant to be packing but the thought of just lying in her bed now having to think or do anything that required her attention was just too much. She had tried everything but nothing seemed to work to calm down just how jittery she was feeling so she was just having to lie there after her shower and think about everything that had happened.

• Becoming a ranger
• Getting called out by the Commandant
• Going to Mironi
• Getting attacked
• Getting another new ranger
• Finding an evil ranger
• Escaping bad guys
• Returning to Earth
• Getting shot out of the sky by said, bad guys
• Getting a new ranger
• Getting stabbed despite being morphed
• Another new ranger saving them all
• Statis tube wake up
• The Commander now being in the no and being really mad at them all

So much had happened recently that it was hard to keep track of all the events and where her life was going but there were four of them now… well six but one was a bad guy and the other unknown factor but seemed to be a good guy. This was so much bigger than the GPD or even Earth or the Alliance. Something was brewing out in the universe and she was pretty sure they were meant to stop it but how she had no idea.

The feeling she was experiencing just kept bringing up a quote that she could remember from a book in school. “Heaven and Earth are meeting in a storm that, when it's over, will leave the air purer and the leaves fertile, but before that happens, houses will be destroyed, centuries-old trees will topple, paradises will be flooded.” Why did she have the sense that they were about to enter a war and she was 100% on the front line for it? She could see it in her head so clearly and it struck her that it was a weird thought before it disappeared as the door chime when off.

“Come in.” She called sitting up and wrapping her bedding around her to cover up the towel that she wore. Whoever it was they would just have to deal with her lack of clothes or could turn around to wait.


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