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Posted on Wed Nov 17th, 2021 @ 4:09am by Markus & Roluga

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Kaldor Warship Elpheus Bridge
Timeline: 1330, October 30th, 2050

Roluga stormed onto the dark, green tinted Bridge, the eyes on his armour glowing a menacing red. He stormed up to the drone sat at the helm, gripping it by the scruff of the neck and picking it up.

"Why was I called here while in training? What could possibly be more important than ensuring my ability to serve the Emperor?" Roluga growled, his voice digitally deepened and modulate by the armour "Tell me!"

"Apologies, my lord, but you ordered we summon you if we detected anything." The Drone replied.

"Well?" Roluga demanded "Speak!"

"Now, now, Father, let's keep our patience. We don't want another accident like the last time." A figure in a red cloak said from the edge of the room, his voice likewise modulated by an unseen suit "Honestly, you're like a raging Harah Beast."

"Quiet, boy!" Roluga growled, looking back to the Drone before tossing him back into his seat "What have you detected?"

The Drone quickly pressed various controls. After a moment, a red crystal came up on the screen, an image of a lion present inside it. The cloaked figure in the corner seemed to take note for a moment before leaning against the wall, apparently losing interest once more.

"A solar crystal..." Roluga said, slapping a hand on the Drone's shoulder "Well done. I shall not destroy you today."

"Thank you, my lord." The Drone stammered "Thank you."

"Enough with the sycophants..." The cloaked figure said, standing up straight and moving towards the doors "I'll be in my chambers. Don't bother coming to get me unless something interesting happens. I have better things to do than chase rocks..."

The figure walked out. Roluga grimaced under his helmet. The boy had too much of his mother in him.

"Where was the crystal detected?" Roluga demanded "Where did the signal originate?"

"I'm running my scans now, my lord." The Drone panicked as he worked to get the information his master had commanded "Grid 7942... Milky Way Galaxy... Eliminating planets the signal routed through... KO-35... Edinoi... Eltar... It's like the signal is bouncing round Alliance worlds."

"Move!" Roluga said, grabbing the Drone and forcing him from his seat, leaning over the station and beginning his own manipulations of the controls, looking at the screen "It's telling me the signal is emanating from Sirius. Why would it be coming from a world Grumm destroyed years ago?!"

"That's not the source point, my lord..." The Drone spoke cautiously "It's the last point before the beacon reached us."

Roluga looked at the Drone, then the display, then the Drone again. With a growl, he grabbed the Drone, throwing him back in his seat.

"Get me the location." He growled "Now!"

"Yes, my lord!" The Drone spoke with terror in his voice "There... Sol system...Earth, my lord, it's on Earth!"

"Earth..." Roluga said "How long to reach it?"

"Using slip tunnels?" The navigator spoke "We can be there in less than 3 cycles."

"Excellent, make it so." Roluga nodded, turning to the Drone at the science station "You. Come with me."

"Yes, my lord..." The Drone said nervously as he stood, another Drone taking his place without missing a beat as Roluga led him to the exit "Where are we going?"

"To the Evolaser." Roluga growled "You're being promoted."


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