

Posted on Wed Nov 17th, 2021 @ 4:08am by Damien McGinnis & Malcolm Hendrix

546 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Research Lab Three, Earth Defense Base 47
Timeline: 1300 Hours, October 30th, 2050

Damien sat on the edge of the desk in the lab. He'd been working with Professor Hendrix on the artefact that had been recovered for the last three weeks. He wasn't much of a scientist; he'd been assigned the Professor as a mentor after he'd accidentally set a shower to spray purple dye instead of water.

He stood by the prank, it had been funny. Unfortunately, the Academy Commandant's daughter had been the next one to use the shower. Seeing her come bursting out in nothing but a towel and covered in purple dye had been hilarious, but it had got him in serious trouble. The kind you only got in when you really pissed off the wrong person.

The Commandant had wanted to expel him over the incident but it was difficult to do so without allegations of favouritism arising. So, instead, he'd been assigned the most boring shadow on the entire base.

"McGinnis, break's over." Hendrix said, walking in wearing his usual business suit "Grab the prototype from the desk."

Damien looked at the device on the desk. It was a red and black blaster with orange barrels, blue and white highlights and a star motif with a circular cut out. At the front of the blaster was a long grip for wrist mounting the device. Beside it was a red spherical crystal in a silver dock, what appeared to be a '01' on the front of the dock.

He picked up the crystal, tossing it in the air before barely managing to catch it, grimacing at the though of what would happen if he'd dropped, or worse, broke, the crystal. Putting the thought aside, he put the blaster on his left wrist, taking aim before miming shooting.

"Knock it off." Hendrix said "Just load the artefact so we can take some energy readings."

"Yes sir." Damien gave a mock salute, putting the crystal into the blaster and pressing the red button on the top of the dock "Ready."

"Beginning scans." Hendrix said "Do not pull the trigger."

"Kill joy." Damien rolled his eyes at the older man's order "Why do you need me for this?"

Hendrix looked at him. It was a discussion they'd had a million times before. It was a discussion they both tired of.

"I can't very well act as the person performing the tests and take the readings, can I?" Hendrix remarked, sighing "Believe me, McGinnis, given half a chance, I'd have just about anyone else on this base. Unfortunately, being chief scientific officer doesn't mean I get my choice of assistants so instead I'm stuck with you."

"Forget I asked." Damien said in a sarcastic tone "Are we done?"

"For now." Hendrix replied "Disengage the artefact."

Damien removed the crystal, looking at it for a minute. As he did, the image of a stylised lion flashed inside it. Damien tried readjusting the angle to see the image again, but nothing came up. He shrugged, setting the crystal and the device down.

"Weird..." He said to himself "Okay prof, what next?"

"Next?" Hendrix replied "You go and get lunch. I have data to go over. Go on, shoo."

"Yes sir." Damien replied with a smile as he turned and walked out of the lab.



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