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War Zone

Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 5:13pm by Markus & Lunandria
Edited on on Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 5:13pm

950 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Ruins of Newtech City
Timeline: November 17th 2050, 0800 Hours

The city was littered with blood, wounded fighters and destruction. Red, grey and silver were the new colours of what was once a beautiful, harbour city, which has now become the stage of a cruel war that the humans had lost, the orange hues of the sunrise reflecting off of any surface it could. The air which would normally be rich in the scents and sounds of hard work is now heavy with the screams of dying people and the scent of their blood, a sight of pure nightmares.

With the thought of victory in their minds, the winning side fights as if they're invincible. Some have succumbed to a frenzy and are on a rampage against anybody standing in their way, while others long for the end of this battle. The toll on both nature and humanity is devastating.

“Isn’t it beautiful,” Lunandria demanded as she felt a presence behind her.

"It's.... Necessary." Markus commented as he stepped up beside her and looked over the view, his sword docked in the shield in his left hand "Our mission requires this. I'm just a soldier following orders. I'm good at following those orders. But don't mistake that for taking pleasure in any of this."

Lunandria sighed at her companion. He was cold and aloof and just uninterested in anything other than duty it seemed recently. "You need to start feeling again."

"Don't mistake a lack of enjoyment of destruction for a lack of feeling. They are two thoroughly different states." He noted, looking out over the battlefield "My Father sends you as you are his right hand. My role here is his fist. To be someone's fist, a weapon, is not always a gratifying sensation. Especially in the face of this much wanton death and destruction, so needlessly brought about. I will put on a show for the Humans, intimidate like a good warrior, but I do not take any pleasure in their suffering."

"The humans are foolish. They could have easily given in and nothing much would have changed." The woman had no pity of emotions for them. "So what would you like to do now then Markus?"

"They fought to the last rather than surrendering themselves to slavery. It is to be commended, in spite of how fool hardy it was. I've been to other worlds where they wouldn't even try to fight." Markus noted, examining the crystal in his swords hilt "Of course, this is the first world where it's people have had any of these..."

"You did not answer the question, Markus. What would you like to do now?" She repeated with a roll of her eyes as she thought on the three rangers that had defended the world but had disappeared at the final point.

"Whatever I decide I want to do, I'm going to get orders that will interrupt it." He replied coldly "What's the point?"

"The point is it is what you want to do," Lunandria said simply. "It is what your father and every other person does apart from you."

"Why the obsession with me doing what I want to do?" He questioned, folding his arms across his chest somewhat awkwardly "Surely, all that matters is that I am a skilled warrior and a good soldier? My hobbies are none of anyone's concern, nor is when I indulge in them."

"Maybe for once I care about your wellbeing." The woman shrugged folding her arms in a mirror across her chest reflecting his actions.

"Your care is not needed, nor is it wanted." He said coldly before answering "I like to paint."

"Maybe this is the canvas you need," Luna muttered. He could be a loner if he chose to be forever but at least she had tried as requested.

"Maybe..." He muttered to himself as he shook his head "Never liked painting history though."

“Then ignore everything I say as usual despite me caring enough to bother.” The woman shrugged at him. She did care enough about him in her own way but the only person who she did care about was Kayge. He had part of her soul not darkened and twisted.

"You know you're not my Mother, right? Even if I do sometimes call you Princess, that's this thing called sarcasm." He replied "Frankly, you're little more than my Father's assassin. That's not to say I'm any better, I'm just his muscle, but at least I know my place."

“ I am fully aware my prince that I am not your mother... I have my own children...” The woman paused mid-thought as if something dislodged for a moment before it settled back into place and she looked at the man blankly.

"Well, I dare say they're even more screwed up than me..." Markus rolled his eyes inside his helmet "At least I'm well adjusted."

“Hmmm, I would not have a child like you. Too much hassle and work.” She said as if she had just not revealed she had children. She looked at Markus and frowned. “What? Need more emotional support?” Her words came out harsh.

"From you?" He asked "Thanks but no thanks. If I want someone to try beating me up, I'll go for some father son bonding time."

Luna just smirked at the man and rolled her eyes. "Good. Go then." She muttered still looking a little dazed but was trying to cover it with rudeness and her aloofness that she did so well. It was not easy being the only female in the army sometimes nor the one with her abilities.

"Whatever..." He shook his head as he turned and began walking away before vanishing in a burst of crimson energy, leaving her alone.


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