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Waking Up So Hard To Do

Posted on Wed Apr 13th, 2022 @ 12:39am by Damien McGinnis & Kilena Keithron
Edited on on Mon Nov 28th, 2022 @ 7:06pm

1,382 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Medical, Earth Patrol Base
Timeline: 1400 Hours, 21st November 2050

Kilena’s head still pounded like her brain was a drum-set, and despite all the marvels of the stasis medical technology, it hurt to breathe thanks to all the damage that had happened to her but she was alive blinking hard as the door opened on the tube. “What was I drink last night?” She muttered thinking it was a hangover and not a life-ending situation that had put her in a healing stasis to save her life.

"Actually, it was more what got into you." Damien said "That did not sound right... You were stabbed."

"Stabbed?" The woman looked down at herself and frowned as she saw the black shorts and a vest top. She really felt she was waking up from a hangover but now she could see it was nothing of the sort it was the sedative.

"Yeah, it's this thing involving a blade and skin and..." Damien began, pausing "Sorry, I'll stop now..."

"I don't remember. The last thing I remember is us... at the dig. Are you just joking?" She said looking down at herself wearing the medical clothing still confused. She knew he wasn't joking as she knew him and he wasn't joking. "How did I get stabbed?" She asked confused. Nothing was making sense and the man wasn't helping at all.

"We came back from the dig, there were drones, a BDSM Mistress who ran you through with a staff and a few others, including the big blue dude from the first time we morphed." Damien said, "I guess he doesn't like us very much..."

"How does a ranger morphed get stabbed?" Kilena asked clearly confused as it wasn't making sense to her. "Are you okay?"

"I have no idea," Damien said, ignoring the question about his own wellbeing.

"How did we survive? Why did they just leave us to fight another day?" She wondered knowing she was asking questions but things were foggy.

"Some dude in an orange Ranger costume." Damien said, "Did you know they come in Orange?"

"Nope. I don't think we have found an Orange crystal." The woman couldn't remember it having been one of the found ones. "We only found five right?"

"Six." He corrected "Two are currently missing from that list."

"Right." The woman scrubbed at her face as she slowly moved ignoring the beeps of the machines warning that it was not the right thing to do. "Two missing and one new orange rangers." She said summing up things for herself.

"Seven crystals in total." Damien noted."The commandant wants us to attend training exercise in Australia. I'm planning for us to take the remaining crystal as a precaution. Still won't give us the keys to the old SWAT zords though. Or jackets. Is a jacket with that lion logo on my helmet too much to ask?"

“We fucked up. Can you blame them?” The woman asked seriously. She was surprised that the commandant had even allowed him to come to visit her and hadn’t been there waiting for her.

"You should read his biography. Doesn't paint him as being the poster boy for a model recruit." Damien noted, pausing "Maybe that's why he can be such a hardass..."

"I actually like him. Tough but fair." The woman commented slowly moving to sit up and move her legs to prepare to stand up. "So where are we going and how long do I have to wake myself up properly?" She had never been in stasis before and the after-effects felt like a hangover.

"We leave tomorrow." Damien sighed, grimacing as he added "No idea where in Australia we're off to though. Now, my turn to ask a question."

He paused, trying to find a way to say what he was thinking without actually saying it.

"So you're.... I don't want to say a goody two shoes, but... A goody two shoes." He began "Do you know Mickey Kensington? You know, the super straight laced cadet? It's just he's been assigned to our squad and though I know him outside of work, I've never been assigned to him."

"Tomorrow I can do it." She whispered slowly standing up taking a hesitant step worried that she was going to do a baby dear impression. "Geeze you really know how to compliment a girl." She muttered thinking where her stuff was. "I vaguely know him. Did a little bit of sparring with him a few weeks back." Kilena was sure he had been assigned to counteract Damien so this certainly was going to be an interesting trip.

"Good to know. What did you think of him?" Damien asked, "And I swear, you say cute or dreamy, I will hurl."

"Don't worry. You are the only Earth Patrol Force officer for me." The woman assured still looking around for her things. Where had they put her crystal for one thing? "I do not really know him. Good fighter I guess? Kicked my ass."

"We'll skip the sexual harassment charges until later." Damien quipped "What are you looking for?"

"You are no fun." The woman said lightly as she looked at him. "Well, mostly my crystal but also clothes." She said indicating the standard-issue shorts and vest top. She was not leaving without something more.

"You mean hot pants and a tank top aren't your standard get up?" He remarked with a grin "I can't tell you how sad that makes me."

"Catch all the staring you can whilst you help me out cause you will not be getting this get up again. Where is my crystal?" She asked grinning a little at him. Were they flirting? No, they couldn't be, she had just died he was trying to keep her spirit up.

"No idea." He said, leaning against the wall as he flicked his wrist, his own crystal appearing in his hand with a small red flash just in time for him to toss it in the air and repeat the gesture, causing it to appear in his hand again for him to continue repeating the cheap trick "You still not got this one worked out? This and making the morpher spontaneously appear is basically the only thing I know I can do. That and rock red spandex."

The woman frowned and watched him for a few seconds before she repeated the gesture and the crystal. "What do you know, you taught me something."

"See, I have my uses." He grinned "Though I'm sorry, I'm not helping find the rest of your stuff. Something about that just doesn't sit right with me."

"I will remember that." She muttered as medical staff came in and saw the woman out of the stasis chamber. They quickly rushed over to check her over scolding the red ranger for not alerting them earlier.

"Hey, you're the medics and things were peeping. I thought you would be quicker." He shrugged, before smirking as he added "I'm just the concerned buddy checking in on her. I think she wants some clothes, by the way. I couldn't tell, I was only half paying attention to what she was saying."

Kilena wanted to chuck something at him but there were just too many people around her and not enough light items to make it work. So she just settled for narrowing her eyes back as she was led away to somewhere private. "You can leave now McGinnis." The intern said smiling just a little more friendlier than everyone else had been.

"Great. Look after her." Damien said, flashing a grin before calling over to Kilena "I'm going to go check in with Ellie and Spencer about the thing. You rest up, we'll catch up with you later."

"Ellie? Spencer?" Kilena asked quickly over the tops of everyone confused.

"Yeah, you remember? Our new friends?" Damien asked, noting discretely "Wear a lot of blue and green..."

"Oh... yeah... I remember." It all came flooding back to her making her dizzy and tired.

"You need to go now, Cadet. Keitheron is not as healed as she thinks she is yet." The senior doctor said moving to lie the pink ranger back down and hook her back up to the stasis chamber.

"Okay, Doc." Damien said as he was ushered out of the room "I'll check in later!"


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