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Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Somewhere Very Different

Posted on Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:09am by Lunandria & Markus

1,079 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Kaldor Warship Training Room
Timeline: 2000 Hours, 13th November 2050

Lunandria hesitated a moment outside the door that held a training area. This was a mistake, of that she was certain. Last time she had entered this area she had felt suffocated and awkward using a weapon that wasn’t hers at all but now she had her repaired staff. It had taken a year since the rangers on Eltare had defeated her and Rogura had rescued her but it was repaired.

The sense of loss had been deep it was those sensations of something missing which lead her to walk the ship at all hours of the night, and that had led her too... She swallowed all those thoughts, that event was behind her and she saw no need to open that can of worms up again.

“You know if you keep using the drones, we will have none for the Rangers and my magic only goes so far in helping the repair shop.” The woman said with a hint of a smirk as she stepped through the door the previous sense of loss no longer on her face.

"I can handle the Rangers." The figure in the red and black bodysuit with a helmet akin to the Rangers' said as he slashed down the last drone, turning to face her to reveal his suit as almost being an inverted version of the Red Ranger's "I have the experience and power advantage."

"Not what I commented on," Lunandria commented on with a roll of her eyes as she took in the man's ranger form. It was impressive what he was able to do but when you had the time and patience anything was possible.

"Never said it was..." The man almost laughed to himself "What can I do you for?"

The woman wondered if she should just lie and walk away but why lie to him when he would see through it. "I thought you might want to train together." She said with a shrug. Wasn't that obvious?

"I suppose I could come down to your level." He said, shaking his head "Choose your weapon."

"Come down to my level. I was fighting before you were born." She said confused for a moment as to why she had said that when she was barely older than him. She shook her head and looked around moving to where the weapons were kept. "Sais something different."

"Your funeral." He said, charging forward, his sword in one hand while a shield was in the other "Defend yourself!"

Lunandria smirked as he charged at her and her body instantly moved to defend herself snagging the sword as she twisted away from him.

"Not bad." He said, "Your guard dropped on your left though."

Lunandria found herself snorting a little as she pushed him back from her. "Yours dropped completely." She teased.

"This means I don't have to keep it up." He said, holding up the shield "Oh, and it does this."

He flipped it up, a blast of crimson energy firing from the bottom point of the shield.

"Cheater." The woman said as she backed up grinning a little. It always ended with these little sparring matches with them being nice to each other for a day or so before they reverted to being angry again at each other.

"I wouldn't call it cheating." He smirked inside his helmet "I prefer to call it getting creative."

"Of course you do Markus." She soothed shaking her head. She was depowered and at a disadvantage compared to him but it was not like it stopped her when it came to the rangers.

"You want to stop mocking?" He asked, the helmet disappearing to reveal a young pale man with short red hair "You know I can kick your ass, right?"

"Sometimes. Less now that I have my staff back." She said as the weapon sparkled as if it knew it was being talked about.

"I've got an ancient magical sword and shield that disagree." He said, smirking as he added "And a big robot."

"Ah huh. But you don't always win." She said poking his chest with the crystal edge of the staff grinning. "Swords and shields are for men who belong in games." She said simply.

"And staffs are for witches and men with no skin." He replied, "Let's not forget their dumb looking sons."

"I don't know who you are talking about." The woman said with a shake of her head. "My memory is foggy before you and your father rescued me." She reminded as the staff disappeared in purple sparkles.

"I guess you don't share my love of history." He replied "As for rescuing you, if my father had his way, it would have been killing you. I was young and naive."

"Yes." The woman said vividly remembering that part.

"Kind of wish I'd let him." The man said with a small laugh "Even if Mother would have killed us both for it."

"Yes and sometimes I wish you would have my lord." She said dripping with sarcasm as she bowed to him. Her attitude was no less or more than similar to his own.

"I'm no lord. Just a soldier." The man said, looking at the sword and shield "I guess knight works too."

"Sir Knight then." She said standing back up properly with a smirk. She loved annoying the kid but it was only because Kyrnn was not around otherwise it would be him.

"You're a child." He said, the helmet re-materialising on his head "Why do we even keep you around?"

She wanted to say she didn't know but she wasn't going to push her luck at all. "Because I am very handy with the power rangers and I secretly think you like me sometimes." She teased again moving away to start gathering her things.

"I do not like you." He replied seriously "However, I agree, you could be handy with the Rangers... Two on two is better odds."

“Of course not. Kayge would rip your throat out kid.” She offered a wink before she returned to gathering her own things.

"I doubt it." He almost snarled "No one gets close enough to try. Not in one piece anyway."

Lunandria said nothing as she moved to get out of there but she did smirk as she passed him. "Good night Sir Knight." She said without a hint of mocking before heading out of the room.

"Women..." He rolled his eyes before his helmet re-materialised "Resume simulation..."


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