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Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2022 @ 10:39pm by Damien McGinnis & Kilena Keithron
Edited on on Mon Nov 28th, 2022 @ 7:07pm

1,768 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Juice Bar
Timeline: November 15th 2050, 2130 Hours

Damien walked into the bar, wearing a red hoodie over a black tank top, with black slacks and boots. He walked up to the bar, leaning on it as the female Human bartender walked over.

"Whisky." He said, rubbing his eyes "Make it a double," Did they do doubles in Australia?

"Rough day?" She asked as she brought over a small glass of amber-coloured liquid with ice cubes floating in it "Want to talk about it?"

"Not this one." He sighed, taking a sip "It's tricky."

Kilena had been sitting in the corner when she saw the man walk in. She had just been wanting to drink away all the thoughts going through her head and his appearance wasn't going to allow that. She wore a black dress with bright pink heels and her hair was curled. She could probably escape before he noticed but she had nearly a full glass of Eltarian wine.

"Well, looky who it is." Came a gruff voice from behind Damien, as he turned to face a large muscular Human man, flanked by a scrawnier man "Mr D-squad."

"Leave it, Bobby." Damien grimaced, turning back to his drink "I'm not in the mood."

"Don't turn your back on me, boy!" Bobby said, grabbing Damien by the shoulder and spinning him around, holding him by the scruff of his collar "I think you need to learn some manners."

"Yeah, you need to learn some manners." Bobby's flunky parroted.

"And you need to learn how to think for yourself, Nick." Damien smirked "Or does Bobby here have the only brain cell between you?"

Kilena watched what was occurring across the bar and rolled her eyes, it was pretty standard for Bobby and Nick to act like that. Kilena looked at her wine glass and grabbed it and her purse up. The woman casually walked over and looped an arm around Damien. "Thanks, Bobby for finding Damien for me." She said staring the bully down.

"You need to pick better friends." Bobby laughed "This guy's a jackass and a loser probs why you ended up in the hospital."

"Might be a loser and jackass but he is my jackass and loser," Kilena said still staring up at the pair.

"Whatever." Bobby said, rolling his eyes "Come on, Nicky."

"Thanks, but I think I had an edge on them." Damien said, shrugging her off "Appreciate the help, though."

Kilena just rolled her eyes as he shrugged her off. She shrugged at him herself. "Sure you did." She mused as she moved back to where she had left her drink.

Damien looked over for a moment, rolling his eyes to himself before picking up his drink and heading over, sitting across from her.

"Since they think we're here together, we should at least pretend to get along." He said, sighing "Look, I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with. I've got my reasons."

"We all have reason Damien for doing what we do." The woman said looking him over. She shook her head at the sigh she heard just as the music started again. "You need to learn to relax otherwise you will lose us all."

"Are you actually saying my problem is a lack of relaxing?" He asked indignantly "You've met me right?"

"I have certainly met you. You relax but it is all an act you are more uptight than all of us." She said with a shrug sipping on her wine.

"Am not." He smirked, sipping his drink "Besides, you're one to talk."

"What?" The woman asked softly as the band started up on the stage.

"Well, I got the impression you were less than impressed with my performance when we were fighting the bad guys." Damien said, smirking "That I needed to get serious."

"You do. You are serious all at the wrong time." She whispered feeling terrible that they were having this conversation but it needed to be done to clear the air.

"Am not..." He said, feigning offence.

The woman pointedly looked at him over her glass always waiting for him to change his mind. "You are." She said with a small smile.

"Well, if I'm serious at all the wrong times, what does that make you?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Probably pathetic for going along with you?" She said answering back. "Want another drink?" She offered drinking the last of the wine.

"Sure." He replied, finishing the rest of his drink, nodding at the glass "Kentucky Whiskey."

The woman left the glass there and disappeared off to the bar returning with two glasses of Kentucky Whiskey and her glass of wine. She sat down and grabbed one of the whiskey glasses. "So how are we going to solve this?"

"What are we solving?" Damien asked, laughing as he added "Because if it's the issue of the two knuckle draggers who think we're out together, well I figured we'd leave together, take a walk through the park and I'd feel you up on the cab ride home."

"I'm sure one of us will enjoy that more than the other. But I am on about the bigger issue of us and team working." She said glancing back to see the knuckle draggers watching them.

"Well, so far the team is me, you, Spencer and probie." Damien said, laughing again "At least she likes me."

"I don't dislike you. I brought you booze didn't I?" Kilena replied taking a sip of the whiskey.

"And what better way to bond with teammates." He chuckled, holding up his glass "Cheers."

"Vile but nice burn... A little like Eltare whiskey." She admitted feeling the afterburn. The Kerovian leant her head on the back of the couch and looked at him carefully, her hair cushioning her hand as her gaze looked at him intently.

"Never tried it." Damien said, looking at the brown-tinged liquid in his glass "I grew up in Kansas. My dad swore by this stuff to get him through the long days. And for dealing with things after my Mother left..."

"I am sad to hear that," Kilena said over her glass watching the expression on his face. Most humans said they were sorry to hear that but how could you be sorry for someone else's sadness, you could relate but you couldn't apologise it made no sense.

"Thank you, Spock." Damien teased "You really are an alien, aren't you?"

"100% born in the stars." She assured standing up. "You can learn some alien dancing for that." She said offering her hand.

"I can't even do Human dancing, two left feet." He said, sighing "I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Afraid not Earth boy." She said indicating she wanted his hand. "We can call it keeping your friends off your case. They are scared of me since I threw them into a wall in training."

"You're not, like, insanely strong are you?" Damien, he said, taking her hand "Because I don't date girls who can beat me up."

Kilena found herself laughing. "Only with my mind." She assured revealing like a lot of Kerovian's she had telekinesis. She tugged on his hand as she lead him to where the dance floor was already heaving.

"I really don't know about this." He grimaced "It's going to go badly."

Kilena laughed at the grimace and put her hand on his shoulder. "One dance and I'll let you go. I'll even let you run off." She promised.

"Run off? Who am I, Bruce Wayne?" He questioned, "Uh, where do my hands go?"

"Where ever you feel comfortable." Kilena laughed as one of the men from earlier nudged her from behind.

"Looks like your boyfriend can't dance?" He said.

"Neither can yours." Kilena spat over her shoulder like a teenager.

"Burn." Damien laughed "You can leave now, buddy. Alternatively, I can show you how we Kansas boys take out the trash."

The boy in question nudged Kilena but didn't say anything more as he walked over to where his friend was. "What did you do to annoy them so badly?" She wondered as she moved his hand to her waist when his hand still kinda just was there waiting for some guidance.

"He and I used to be on the fencing team together." Damien admitted, sighing as he added "I caught him using an AI heads-up display in his headpiece, telling him exactly where to hit. So, rather than turning him in, I did the smart thing. I went for the headpiece, disabled the AI, and kicked his butt. He was the golden boy before that, and could hardly admit he'd been cheating..."

"Cheating little so and so. I'm glad you took the honourable way even if he should have been caught out." Kilena said as she turned back to look at the red ranger. "Well, this wasn't how I planned my night."

"I can still manage how I planned mine." Damien laughed "Just need to have another drink or two, hit on someone's girlfriend and get into a bar fight. That's how my night's usually end. I am sure I can do that even in Australia."

Kilena found herself laughing just a little. "You've already got into a fight let's leave that there hmm?"

"Fine, I'll go for the boring ending." He rolled his eyes "Seriously, what else am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know. I'm not your mama." She said squeezing his hand. It didn't sound boring at all.

"I'm getting major mixed signals here." He said plainly.

"What kinda signals are you wanting here?" She wondered as the music ended.

"As your commanding officer, I'm obliged not to answer that." He quipped "For fear the answer may incriminate me."

"You are not my commanding officer. You aren't even an Officer." She said back with a small laugh as she let him go and stepped away from him.

"I don't know what you mean." He teased "I'm an officer and a gentleman."

"Hmmm.Not sure on that at all." The woman shook her head. How had they gone from frienemies to whatever this was?

"Anyway, I've got a cruiser coming for me in a bit. You need a ride?" He asked.

Kilena shook her head and looked at the table where they had left their drinks. “I’ll be fine getting home to the base. I’m going to finish my drink.” She said indicating the table.

"Suit yourself." Damien shrugged with a smile "I'll see you in the morning, pinky. It's training day."

Kilena just offered her own smile as she returned to the table. It would certainly be an interesting day.


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