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There's a Starman...

Posted on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 6:13am by Spencer Gustaffson & Kilena Keithron

1,178 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: GPF Cafeteria
Timeline: 0915 Hours, November 28th, 2050

Spencer walked into the cafeteria for a late morning snack, and looked up at the TV. He'd heard that Damien was giving some kind of public press conference, or at least something along that line. The blue ranger, in his 'normal' uniform, picked up a bottle of orange juice and walked over to a small table where he noticed Kilena also eating her breakfast. He nodded to her with a smile, but sat in silence while watching the display, glaring at the members of the press who tried asking things a little too dangerous for comfort.

He looked over at her when it was over, sighing. "All I can say is that I'm glad it was him and not me. On the bright side, he didn't answer anything problematic. Still, it worries me - there were a lot of very dangerous questions there; are we sure all those people are real press folks on our side, and not Kaldor spies?"

Kilena had been watching it intently. "It will always be him. The best we can do is make sure that he does not cause chaos and maybe sweet talk that Media Person into not letting something like that show happen. It would be detrimental to us despite people needing answers. Rangers have not existed in decades this was the right way to do it." Kilena was wearing her work out clothes which was a pair of leggins and a long vest top that had GPF over it.

Spencer sighed and nodded at her comment that it would always be Damian as the face of the group. As the Red Ranger, he was nominally their leader. Outside of battle especially, he was absolutely the face of the group. Unfortunately, his was a face which could often be saved my keeping the lower half shut. Not that Spencer was always so different, really. He opened his uniform jacket, revealing the blue tank top beneath it. "I guess it was necessary, yeah. But I am worried, because a lot of those questions hit just a little too close to home. He definitely shouldn't be going out there without a list of speaking points, and there shouldn't be anyone there asking troublesome questions."

"He did fine. His responses were elegant and I am saying that as someone.... someone who he bugs with his farmer boy tendencies often. The guy is far too lucky." She laughed and leant over to turn the volume up. "That Press Secretary is pretty cute." She commented.

Spencer nodded at Kilena's assessment, Damien was indeed too lucky; and he was too accustomed to leaning on it. "No kidding. But honestly, the bunch of us... we're all too lucky. We've survived shuttle crashes, alien invasions, and more. I just hope we keep on being just as lucky." He let her comment about her frustrations with the Red Ranger go, since he had his own - but they had mostly worked it out, and Spencer was really just glad that they were all alive, He shrugged at the comment about the press secretary, with a smirk. "Eh, not exactly my type. Probably nothing stopping you from taking a shot, though. I'll kick his ass if he doesn't agree to everything you want."

Kilena laughed. “I might not be his type, too alien, too kooky with these new abilities, too pink, too woman.” She grinned and just shrugged. It did not matter at all she just thought he was cute.

That last part of the comment made Spencer raise an eyebrow. "Oh. I hadn't really given that any thought. But then again, any guy who rejects you because of your abilities or pulls any kind of Earth-centric bigotry, you tell me his name, I'll find out what he looks like, and he'll have opted out of protection - at least my protection. But hey, you're an esper now, so there's no need to go through heartache since you can predict it. And pink looks good on you, anyway."

"Not a colour everyone likes." She chuckled softly and shook her head at the Esper comment. "I have no idea how to control it yet though so I am just as hurtable as anyone else Spencer. Maybe one day I will be that badass but right now I am just hoping I do not go into a trance at the wrong time." She pointed out with a smile. "When we were on KO-35 we were surrounded by bad guys and I went into trance and led us to the zords... it's scary."

Spencer smiled at her, trying to be reassuring. "Don't let anyone ever tell you that you're not badass. You'll get control of it soon enough. You found those Zords, which is awesome. You saved the world."

“Oh I am the pink ranger I know I am badass but does not mean I have any idea how to control it yet which could be interest for myself us.” She prompted. “Aye was very surreal finding them.” She added with a shrug. It was something she tried to not think on just how weird it had been for her.

Spencer nodded at Kilena's comment about not being able to control her powers. He still hadn't figured out what his power even was. It would be some time before he could even think about control, getting to the point where Kilena was, where control was the big issue. "Yeah, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. I can only imagine how weird it was to find them - it was pretty weird having you guys just appear right after finding out there were more Rangers. I'm still glad you showed up when you did."

“It was unique and hopefully a not needed again experience,” Kilena said finally deciding to sit down and patted the space next to her. “I am sure that your abilities will come soon. You got the crystal just after me and Damien. I am more concerned that Damien’s has not seemed to appear.”

Spencer nodded - Kilena was obviously right that it made sense that his power would come later. But the thought that Damien's power hadn't emerged yet, that did seem odd. "You know, that is weird when I think about it. He's the luckiest guy I've ever met - you'd think he would have his stuff kick in before all of us. And somehow find a way to make it look good, even if he was getting his butt kicked." It never even occurred to Spencer what he'd just said, or the possibility that such a thing could be a power.

"Maybe that's his abilities lucky git? Come on people are joining the queue now for lunch. Might as well join ourselves and get something better than whatever you were eating when I came in." Kilena declared rising from her chair to join the line of several people now.

Spencer shrugged with a smile. "With his luck? I'd bet it is." He stood up with her, and quickly pushed their chairs in before joining her in line.


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