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Bitter Truths

Posted on Thu Nov 28th, 2024 @ 10:05am by Roluga & Lunandria
Edited on on Thu Nov 28th, 2024 @ 10:07am

1,528 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Shadows of Trust
Location: Roluga's Quarters
Timeline: Unknown

The Syranket was brightly lit, the lighting kept at a level consistent with the planet below, the light reflecting off of the dark metal walls. It was how Roluga liked it; rather than keeping the lighting consistent with the Kaldore Homeworld, he always had it kept at a level of whichever planet they were there to conquer. The first rule of war; make sure your enemies have no advantages, and needing to adapt to the light was definitely giving the enemy an advantage.

He sat in the chair at the console in his quarters. They were decorated with multiple trophies and medals he’d been awarded throughout a long and prolific service to his people. Each one came with a story. Each one came with a body count. On the corner of the console was a disengaged holo-image; looking at his wife and son was something that would entertain his wife, not him.

There was a high pitched beep at his door, indicating a visitor.

“Enter!” He barked the order.

Luna smirked at the bark from inside of the room. She knew he was there and wanted to bother him to do something other than sitting in his room. She was feeling better since whatever strange event had happened to her after the time incident and she wanted to get back to her bothering way.

“You have been in here a long time.” She pointed out by way of greeting.

“And you are stating the obvious.” He replied, not looking up “Why are you here? My son isn’t here for you to annoy.”

“I annoy your son because he is easy to annoy. I came to see you because I am feeling better and I would like to have some fun so we can either go spar or I can sit here and talk to you.” Luna explained simply. Kayge was on bridge duty so that left him or Markus and she really did not feel like babysitting the boy.

“Very well. Speak.” He said, turning his chair and gesturing to one across from him “I have already trained today with the boy. He still over relies on that shield of his.”

Luna raised an eyebrow but said nothing on the fact he had just turned down training with her when she was the only person on the ship on par with him. “Of course he does because you won’t let me smash him into a million pieces with staff to show him how useless it is.” She commented as she sat down on the chair and slouched back. She was wearing an all black outfit of the loose fitting dresses that flowed that she normally wore but there was an unearthly tinge of purple around her which was different which she had not failed to notice had been growing over the last couple of weeks.

“You may outskill him, but don't underestimate that crystal of his.” Roluga noted “If he wanted to, he could destroy either of us. Of course, he doesn't ever need to know that.”

“I do not underestimate it but I do know my own abilities.” Luna said simply as she stared at the man. He had been one of the first people she had met when she had been rescued and there were secrets between them that not even Kayge knew despite Luna’s relationship with the other general and the kid's abilities was one of them.

“As do I.” Roluga replied sternly “I do not wish for infighting amongst us. Our enemies are the alliance and the Rangers.”

Luna rolled her eyes and leant out grabbing the crystal on his desk rolling it around in her fingers. “We never fought before.” She pointed out. “Are you planning to change that now?” Had whatever happened to make Kayge wary of her effected Roluga too?

“Not unless you give me reason to.” He said simply, taking the crystal from her “Don’t touch other people’s property. Unless I order you to.”

“You only get to order me because I follow you.” She countered frowning. “What is wrong?” She demanded watching him always sulking at the fact she had touched the crystal. She had done that many times, her being there and them talking whilst she messed around with trinkets had never ended with him taking items from her.

“The Rangers defeated you and the rest of our forces too easily last time you battled.” Roluga relented “They are strong not because of their powers, but because they work together, as a team. The trust between them needs to be broken to weaken them. Then, we can crush them.”

Luna narrowed her eyes at her weakness being pulled up when she had done so much more before them and her magic and health had paid the price for the time changes. “They defeated me because your son did not listen. He has vengeance for the other red ranger and goes for him instead of taking on one of the others. That needs to change but you are not going to weaken them easily. You need to get between them and put pressure on the cracks.”

“Any cracks you’ve observed?” Roluga cocked an eyebrow inside his helmet “I always welcome good suggestions from my lieutenants.”

“You treat me like a child when we are all the same rank.” She hissed standing up to look out the windows. “Some of them are new and they will not have the same training as the original 3. They will not have had time to bring them in yet especially with us changing time on them they will not have the protection that I created for us.” Luna shrugged as she rolled her neck. It was impossible to not notice that some of them struggled in a team but she had tried to be a team player.

“Need I remind you who is the operational Commander of this invasion?” He spat back “Which Rangers lack the training?”

“Of course you are.” Luna answered dismissing him with another roll of her eyes and a gentle smile. She liked to wind him up but she knew when to draw the line with a wink, or smile like now before whatever mood got the better of him. “Black, Silver, Green… orange has been a Ranger longer than the others but who knows if they fit into the team.” She was not at all convinced it would be an easy transition for whoever is under the helmet.

“Then we start by breaking their trust in one another.” Roluga nodded “If they do not trust their comrades, they will be less likely to take instruction from them. I know just the man to do the job…”

“Of course you do.” She commented, turning back around to look at him properly. The sense of unease was still there in her mind even as she agreed with what he said. “Have you seen the Emperor recently?”

“The Emperor?” He questioned, tilting his head inquisitively “What do you mean have I seen the Emperor?”

“He was here a couple of days ago.” The woman pointed out quietly. “I was unwell again and he had to help me stop the magic storm.” He had to have known that.

⁸“I was not aware he had left the homeworld.” Roluga noted “Did he have the chance to see his Grandson while he was in the sector?”

“That I do not know Kayge might know.” The woman resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow at the fact he had not known. That left her with more questions than answers.

“I see.” He nodded slowly “I do not like the notion of knowing less about the comings and goings of my son’s life than my underlings. It is… Frustrating.”

“As I have said, we are not your underlings. You only get to order me because I follow you. You have operational lead but have you considered we are failing because you are treating us like children and we do not like discussing things with our parents?” She wondered, turning her gaze back to the planet below. She was sure she had been there previously, its designation was not familiar but the view was. .

“So you would have me coddle you all rather than lead?” He questioned indignantly “You're going soft.”

“And you are growing old.” Luna countered smirking at his indignant tone. “It is your choice to feel frustrated but Kayge knows because he spoke to him for the minutes he was here.” Luna had been unwell and resting which was unusual for her.

“Perhaps I should talk to Kayge…” He growled “Or perhaps I should allow my son to…”

“Whatever pleases you.” Luna said gently as she headed for the door. “But I will leave you to your indignation.” The woman commented wanting to check out the planet below. It was bugging her enough for her to bother.

He slammed his fist against the wall. Perhaps she was right. Not that he would allow her to know that. No, he'd find another way to get the information he wanted from Kayge. One that he would never see coming.


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