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Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 3:47pm

Stephanie (Stephi) Hill

Name Stephanie (Stephi) Hill

Position Gold Ranger

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 150
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color green
Physical Description tephi has an athletic build. She is a an attractive woman. Her most striking feature are her eyes are very striking. People tend to notice her eyes first. Her hair comes about a 1/4 of the way down her back


Spouse n\a
Children n/a
Father James Hill
Mother Jane Hill
Brother(s) n/a
Sister(s) n/a
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview Stephi tends to be easy going in everyday life, but she will not hesitate to destroy the bad guys. She likes girls over boys but is very friendly and tries to be helpful when she can
Strengths & Weaknesses Stephi has a strong sense of Justice and believes that good must fight the evil. She is very loyal and pretty smart.
weakness: sucker for a pretty face and can be a bit naive when it comes to pretty women
Equipment Solar Morpher
Hobbies & Interests Stephi like crossword puzzles, martial arts, loves to read a good murder mystery

Personal History Stephi is the only daughter of James and Jane Hill. Her parents were not overly strict but did establish firm guidelines for her to live by. They installed in her a strong sense of right and wrong.
By 15 she was one of the most popular girls in school as she was very nice and always trying to help people. She had also figured out she was gay. Still she one of the top students. That was the time she got into martial arts. Her parents approved of it as it gave her discipline. She found she excelled a it. She loved martial arts. She had never been very athletic although the martial arts training keeps her in good shape.
At 17 something happened that changed her life. her best friend Amanda who wanted to be one of the popular girls. The cheerleaders and their group. They invited Amanda to a party. Stephi was not invited as she and those girls never got along. Stephi had told Amanda it wasn't a good idea but Amanda wouldn't hear it.
The next morning Stephi heard the news. Amanda had died of a drug overdose. Stephi was crushed. Amanda knew that Amanda never did drugs. She also knew that they had to have pressured her into taking the drugs, the popular girls. There was an investigation but the girls had rich parents and powerful lawyers. Noting could ever be proven. Stephi has never forgotten it. She feels thee scales of justice must be balanced.
When the invasion came she joined the academy to fight for her world and protect those she cares about.
Service Record entered academy 2047
selected as Gold Ranger 2050