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A Plot, A Plan And No Choice

Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 11:01am by Valdana 'Dan' Raadax & Jamie Bullock

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Secret of Corvus
Location: Megaship

Valdana stepped out of the mega lift and moved through the corridors to the Synthetron and smiled as she noticed to herself that she seemed to be the only one awake other than whoever was on the bridge watch. She wore orange leggings and a long vest with her typical gloves on her hands to avoid contact just in case.

She ordered food and sat down on the chair thinking about how strange the last 3 months had been, Earth invaded mid-tour, the tour was cancelled and then she joined Galactic Patrol Force’s battle against the Kaldor Imperium under the cover of being patriotic to cover her ranger status despite how well she had done for the last 2 years.

"You too, huh?" Jamie asked, entering the room just as she was sitting down. In grey sweats and a black tank top, he was toweling his sweat-covered forehead with a towel. "When I can't sleep I run. Sometimes it actually works..."

"I do not need as much sleep as humans." She explained lying a little bit. She needed less sleep but she was more likely to crash and burn without the sleep. "What is eating you?"

"What makes you think something's eating me?" he answered. Then he paused, knowing that it was pretty obvious, otherwise he wouldn't be up and about this late. "I, uh...couldn't sleep. After the fighting."

Valdana turned to her snack and took a bit of the sandwich. This was the first time the pair had been alone together since they had joined the team and there was a huge elephant in the room between them that neither had ventured into just yet. "I see. Would you like a snack?"

"Does this place have protein bars?" he asked by way of reply, not holding out a lot of hope for a positive response to that.

"Lets find out." She decided leaning over to operate the Synthetron. "Hmm not a bar but I can make a type of protein yoghurt." She made it and passed it over. There was no telling with a Synthetron whether it was gonna be good or not.

He took a seat and followed it with a deep breath. "Some day, huh?"

"Certainly some type of day." She agreed but she was not at all convinced it was the busiest or most weirdest. "But not the weirdest day."

"I guess not. Although...probably top five?" he suggested, a little light-heartedly. "This is where you share the actual weirdest day you had."

"Oh the day I became a ranger... but..." She let the mention of Alex fade away before she sighed. "We both know who each other is but we have never had a conversation about Alex." She finally ventured. He had been her first-ever proper friend and partner in crime until he had disappeared.

Jamie's eyes dropped to the floor, staring into space for a few long moments. "Yeah." So much of that had gone unspoken. He'd not spoken to any of the Rangers about his brother, despite the hints and nudges from them to explain how he had come to possess the black solar morpher. "I...I saw it, you know? The witch. She..." He sniffed, attempting to push back his visible emotion. "I didn't think it was possible for someone to kill a Power Ranger. Until that day."

Valdana sighed to herself. She had always hoped the rumours had been false about her friend but there she was being told the story of what what happened that day. "It should not be but there is something about her staff that gets through rangers armour. She nearly killed me and Kilena at other times. I am sorry that you watched that."

"I'm not..." Jamie said quietly. His dark eyes glanced up, a clarity in his expression. "I know who took him away from us. And I know what I'm going to do to her when I get the chance..."

"You just be careful and do not do it alone. I want to help." She stated quickly. She had been a ranger a long time and the woman had nearly killed her.

There was a moment of indecision on Jamie's face as he heard her words. "When the time comes," he nodded slightly, momentarily grateful for the offer of assistance. "The others might try to get in our way. They won't understand."

Valdana nodded. She had plans for things like that. "If your brother had given me any inclination that he was going off I would have used my abilities on him. I wear gloves for a reason." She said holding up her leather gloves and why she wore clothes that covered her so much. "If it comes to it I have ways to make them sleep." She assured.

"So you're on board with it?" he asked softly. "Ending her...the witch..."

"If that is the only choice we have," Valdana assured. Something about the woman did not make sense but for now, she was happy to end the woman if that would stop her from killing anyone else.

The room fell silent for a few more seconds as they both contemplated that. "No. I don't think we have any choice at all," he said firmly. "For Alex."

Valdana glanced at the man and sighed a little. "No one else in the universe I would do it for." The woman said sadly. She had really hoped that Alex would be okay but this conversation really made it final so it gave her no choice.


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