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Responsibility - Part 4

Posted on Fri May 19th, 2023 @ 11:16pm by Ellie Evans & Jamie Bullock

844 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: The Evans Estate - England
Timeline: After The Invasion

The door to her father’s study had always had an aura to it. Like it generated some sort of intimidating presence, or had taken the role of an entrance to the forbidden place. For some reason, that aura didn’t feel quite as scary for Ellie now.

“You’re sure about this?” Jamie asked quietly. “You can take a few more days if you need to think about it. Make sure Maria isn’t too shaken up.”

“I should have done this years ago. It’s overdue,” she answered.

“I’ll be outside then.” He patted her on the shoulder and walked away. She went back to staring at the dark oak panelling of the door in front of her. She didn’t know what words she was going to use, but she knew what needed to be said.

Knock knock.

She opened the door after a few seconds and entered. The curtains were closed, and a single desk lamp illuminated pages of old books on a desk that Lord Chester Evans was poring over.

“You need not have come to apologise, Eleanor. It won’t be the last time.” He didn’t even look up.

“At least that’s something we can agree on,” she said, approaching the desk. Most of the papers she didn’t understand. But that wasn’t what she was there for.

“Your mother was insistent that I find an appropriate placement for you at an academy in London. She implied that you were not yet ready to make that sort of decision yourself.”

“That won’t be necessary,” she said.

“No?” He looked up, eyebrow raised curiously. “So you’re staying then.”

“No.” Her voice almost cracked, but she saved it before that happened.

“So you’re still insistent on this ridiculous idea that you can go wandering halfway around the world, putting yourself in all sorts of danger, without paying any heed to the kind of stress that puts on your mother and I? You cannot ignore your responsibilities, Eleanor.”

“No, I can’t. And that’s why I have to leave,” she said.

“This is nonsense. You-”

“For once, father, let me finish!” she interrupted, her determination growing. Her father blinked, astounded that she was suddenly speaking back to him. “I’ll always be grateful, for everything you’ve given Maria and I. Always. But…this family isn’t the only one I have a responsibility to.” She touched the edge of the desk. “There are people out there who need me. Actually need me. Not just to play the role of obedient, scared little girl.”

Her father’s moustache twitched again. “I see.” He looked down his nose at the papers on his desk. “You’re still just a child, Eleanor. And you’ll see that when my generosity is taken away. No more of my money to let you pursue these fantasies you have.”

“Don’t you understand? It’s not about money. It’s never been about money. It’s about knowing what my place is. And I know where that is now.” She faltered a fraction. “It’s just a shame that you can’t understand that it’s not under your control anymore.”

“Your place is here Eleanor,” he growled, growing frustrated.

“I’m sorry…dad.” She sighed. “I know you don’t understand right now. One day, I hope you will. I’d still like to be part of your legacy someday. But there’s another legacy that’s really important, and I can’t turn away from that when I know that there’s some good I can do.” She turned away from him, returning to the intimidating oak door that no longer held that fear for her. “I promise that one day you’ll be proud of what I did for the Evans family name.”

Lord Chester made a sound like a snort. But Ellie let that wash off her. Her father was a short-sighted man with his own desires. The fact that she was free of them was liberating, but also made her feel a little sad for him too.

As she walked back to the main entrance of the house, she found Maria and Jamie waiting, with her little sister making several moon-eyed adoring expressions at him. Ellie smiled, grabbing her sister into a big hug.

“Look after them?” she asked.

“I will.” she said. “And you…” she poked Jamie on the arm. “You keep her safe, you hear? Or I’ll hunt you down.”

Jamie looked between the two of them for a moment, not sure whether to be intimidated or amused. Instead he settled for something in the middle.

“Your sister has that covered for herself.”

“Mmhmm,” Maria retorted, eyebrow raised. She looked at her sister with a twinkle in her eye. “He can come again, any time he likes.”

“No promises,” Ellie giggled.

“Go save the world, Ellie Evans.” Maria punched her lightly on the arm. Ellie grinned, and returned the bump.

“That…I will promise.”


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