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Responsibility - Part 2

Posted on Fri May 19th, 2023 @ 11:15pm by Ellie Evans & Jamie Bullock

854 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: The Evans Estate - England
Timeline: After The Invasion

Supper was served in a dining room that looked quite capable of feeding more than a dozen guests. Instead, the obnoxiously long table held places for Lord and Lady Evans, their two daughters, and one houseguest. And the table still had a huge amount of space to spare. Lord Chester Evans had not yet appeared as the serving staff delivered drinks to the table. There was a strange, almost awkward silence as the four present seemed to have to wait without conversation for him to appear.

“My apologies…” The man himself mumbled through a half-hearted apology before slumping unceremoniously into the seat at the head of the table.

Lord Chester Evans had lost weight since Ellie had last seen him a little under a year ago. He retained his trademark copper-haired handlebar moustache and thick-rimmed glasses, yet behind them his eyes were a little sunk and tired. His skin, too, looked as though he hadn’t been out in the sun much at all of late.

“D-dad?” Ellie said softly. He looked up, almost surprised.

“Eleanor. You’re home at last. Very good.” It was a brusque, almost dismissive statement. A shock, considering how much time had passed since they had last seen one another in person.

“I missed you,” she said, a hint of hope in her tone that suggested a need for more than an offhand greeting.

“Indeed. I suppose you must have, all those months away. It seems like it took an alien invasion to convince you to finally return home.” He crossed his legs and motioned for the waiting staff to begin bringing out the meal.

“I tried calling,” Ellie offered.

“From a ‘fast food diner’ as I recall? Quaint. Surely my daughter’s extensive education and breeding might lead her to somewhere a little less…whimsical?” He sniffed a little, his moustache twitching with disdain.

“Just…making my way. It was only a temporary thing,” Ellie explained.

“Of course. Just like your childish adventure overseas.” Still having not even made eye contact, he perused the platter of food that was being placed in front of him. “At least that’s all at an end now. I’m sure you’ll be needing my connections to set you up somewhere more appropriate for someone of our family’s standing. Somewhere in London, perhaps?”

Ellie blinked, shooting glances first at her mother, then her sister, the latter of whom offered the barest amount of sympathy.

“I…wasn’t going to stay. I’m just visiting…”

“Nonsense, Eleanor. You’re an Evans, you’re my daughter, and you’ll remain here. After all that madness, I will not be having you putting yourself in such frivolous and foolish places.” Without even waiting for the others, Lord Chester took a mouthful of his food. “I won’t hear any more on this matter. I’ll make all of the arrangements to cancel your return flights in the morning.”

“But…I have responsibilities…” Ellie gasped, feeling the lump in her throat growing.

“Your father is quite right, Eleanor. You have responsibilities here.”


“Enough!” Chester’s voice snapped sharply. “Your responsibility is to your family. Not to some childish fantasy.”

Ellie’s mouth snapped shut, her eyes downcast instantly.

“Ellie understands responsibility a lot more than you understand.” The four Evanses were surprised as Jamie spoke up, his voice level but firm. He looked across at the senior Evans man. “She’s shown that enough to me in the short time I’ve known her.”

Chester’s eyes burned, not only at the statement but at having been challenged in his own home. Another scornful expression crossed his lips.

“And what would you know of family responsibility, boy?” He growled.

Jamie’s jaw tightened.

“Father.” Ellie almost jumped up from her seat. “Do not speak to him like that.”

Rather than respond, Chester simply sighed, took a napkin and wiped his mouth and then discarded it onto his plate.

“You are my daughter, Eleanor. If you think I will have any part in funding this foolhardy idea that you will be returning to your travels, you are mistaken.” He pushed himself away from the table, rising to his feet. “You will remain here. And if you do not, then consider your allowances withdrawn. Permanently.”

With that, the Lord of the Evans Estate took his leave. After a few moments of silence, Jamie pushed himself away from the table as well.

“Jamie-” Ellie began, wanting to apologise once again for the behaviour of her family. But Jamie had already made his way out of the room.

“Honestly, Eleanor, you shouldn’t stress your father so. He doesn’t need to be dealing with such stress at his age,” Annabella remarked lightly.

“Stop it mother. Stop it!” Ellie whimpered, a tear already rolling down her cheek. Unable to control herself any more, she stumbled away from the dinner table and fled into the darkness of the house, which was starting to feel more and more like a prison. One she wasn’t sure she would be able to escape from.


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