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Setting Things Up

Posted on Sun Dec 5th, 2021 @ 2:57am by Damien McGinnis & Malcolm Hendrix

508 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Invasion
Location: Research Lab Three, Earth Defense Base 47
Timeline: 1100 Hours, 2nd November 2050

Hendrix walked into the lab, freezing at the door as he did. The place was a mess. There were slashes up the wall and various machines were either severely damaged or destroyed. In the middle of the room, Damien was sat there, tossing the crystal up and down.

"What the hell happened here?" Hendrix asked "Put that down."

"Yeah, about that." Damien said, setting the crystal down, only for it to disappear in a star of red energy as he released his grip "Don't think I can."

"What was that?" Hendrix asked "Enough joking around, where's the crystal?"

"Right here." Damien said, twisting his right wrist slightly as the crystal appeared in the same manner as it had vanished "I was going to spin some yarn about bad guys stealing it but this makes it difficult to do that."

Hendrix moved to one of the working consoles, pressing a few controls. He watched through the last hour's footage at half a dozen times speed. After a few minutes, he froze the footage and looked to Damien.

"Something you want to tell me?" He asked "We need to let the Commandant know about this, that-"

"No way." Damien cut him off "The guy's a jackass. Wouldn't know sense if it bit him in the butt. Besides, what are we going to say, that me and some girl I barely know are super heroes now? He'd think we're nuts!"

"You'd be surprised..." Hendrix said "What are you thinking then? And please, don't describe yourself as a super hero again..."

Damien stood up, walking round the lab while tossing the crystal up and down like a tennis ball. After a moment, he tossed it over his shoulder, the crystal vanishing in mid-air as he grinned.

"We doctor the footage." He said "Make it look like they did steal the crystal. When they come for it, we're waiting, in force. The catch is you can't tell anyone about this."

"We can't keep it a secret. If even one thing goes wrong, you could get everyone on this base killed because they aren't ready for what's coming." Hendrix said, sighing "We'll stick to the cover story, but command will have to be informed. There are protocols."

Damien grimaced. He was sure Kilena would love this. Hendrix was all but agreeing with her.

"Not yet." Damien said "I'm trusting you here, prof. Please. I've tried to be a good assistant to you. I know I've failed miserably at pretty much all times, but I have really tried. Please, just let me have this one."

The silence in the room was deafening, the tension so thick it could be cut with a knife.

"Fine. I don't like it, but we'll try it your way, under protest, I will add." Hendrix finally spoke "But if this causes any issues-"

"I'll march in and tell the commandant myself, cross my heart. I won't even use the word super hero when I do." Damien held his hands up "So, let's get to work."



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