Maximilian Westmoreland

Name Maximilian Edward Westmoreland 3rd

Position Silver Ranger

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 173#
Hair Color Platinum Blonde (currently dyed black)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description cast as Paul Bettany in Ink Heart


Spouse none
Children none
Father Maximilian Edward Westmoreland the 2nd
Mother Lisandra Emilia Brookshire-Westmoreland
Brother(s) Thomas Luke, Landon James, Johnathan Robert
Sister(s) Marissa Priscilla, Lillian Brenda

Personality & Traits

General Overview straightforward, easily entertained, dislikes bullies
Strengths & Weaknesses stubborn, a tad reckless
Equipment headphones, wallet, harmonica, raging judge revolver
Hobbies & Interests wargames, music, tabletop rpgs, writing, rock climbing

Personal History First born of his parents' children, whole future planned out before his birth. Age 3, fell down flight of stairs. Age 6, expelled for biting a bully. Age 9, nose broken the first time. Age 11, broke his left arm trying to skate board. Age 18, joined police academy right after graduating from high-school, disowned by father. Age 22, left his position in the police force to start up his own detective agency after red tape kept him from saving someone's life.
Service Record Top of class at police academy. Promoted up to sergeant. Left force.